Sunday, 24 January 2016

Catch up!

I would like to apologize as I haven't wrote a blog for so long, but I’ll be posting a lot more.  So I thought I would do an update on what I have been doing the past couple of months.

1. University
As this is my last year at college, we have had to start applying for uni. As I said before I want to be a child's nurse, I applied for the University of Nottingham and De Montfort. I didn't hear anything for a while which I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing , then one Friday night I got an email from UCAS and unfortunately Nottingham University had not accepted me. A few days later I got an email from De Montfort asking me to attend a Maths and English test, and if I passed that I would be invited to an interview.

I attended the Maths and English test which was on the January 21st, I think it went really well but I don't want to get my hopes up and   as you never know what's going to happen. I am still waiting to hear if I passed the test or not but i shall keep you updated.

2. New Flat
I have previously wrote about the flat being built in an old post. Recently things have really started to move forward with it, this week I started moving things in and we have the keys which is really exciting. There are still little bits and bobs that need finishing in it but it looks amazing!

I shall write another post on the flat soon and put pictures up ect.  

3. Birthday
Recently on the January 18th it was my birthday!! I always look forward to my birthday as I love celebrating, it wasn't a big birthday this year as I was only turning 22 but I went out for several meals with family and friends which was lovely. My presents were fab, I mostly got money which I always find great so I can go and spend it on what I want.

These are the main events that have been and still happening in my life at the moment. I shall keep you all updated as these progress.
Nicolle x

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